Here are some hearts for your #Valentine or yourself.
My heart is in your hands….
Be #heartful, #share them, take #classes about them.
Yes, hearts are all over in #nature. Let me show you how you can #paint like this with the #custom #brushes I made with #heart just for your viewing pleasure. The brushes and #animations of will be the topic du jour of classes available this Spring.
I figure you will need these custom brushes to get an A in my class,
so I’ll be handing out a free $22.00 brush set along with the #syllabus.
Don’t let the word syllabus scare you off.
This #connection of your heart to your hands is vital. #Connect with me here, my heart is your heart and is in your #hands, literally, on your #phone….
register for classes by March 22, 2022 at:
This is part of a big animated heart a day giveaway I’m celebrating,
Thanks for attending the heart party.
Because I’m a teacher I nudged in an art lesson.
You will learn form by simply watching.
If you’d like to know how this was done, contact me about mastery classes.
Heartfully yours,
Jill Annette Johnson
Hoping all of you subscribe
where I’m giving away hearts,
yes send some to your loved ones;
and planners, tips and recipes,
you’re so welcome to join this heart party!
As a courtesy to myself and the audience here, I’d like to add some principles worth considering.
Spam is regarded as unwelcome solicitation most people don’t appreciate.
A real person named Jill moderates (actually reads) messages here and has to decide whether or not they belong in the circular neverland file, or will be responded to, or just ignored.
Spams are special because dependent on their severity, it becomes poetic justice to add spammers to my special Karma mailing list filled with annoying popup ads.
My friends here will get hearts and prizes and other nice and useful things.
Spammers get neverland usually but might get the boomerang sales pitch from the daughter of a bricklayer whose lineage in stonemasonry has been traced back to mid-1600s (don’t think a pitch can’t hurt).
#animated #heartaday #giveaway #celebrating, #heart #party #February #Heartfully #JillAnnetteJohnson #lovedones #planners #tips #recipes #mastery #classes